Press this key and then enter the inventory. Key: Remove Restrictions - some weapons and armor require that your character meets certain requirements. Press key to increast to maximum that unit's health.

] Key: Heal Unit - mouse over units that display health bars on them. Create your own Super Weapons! [ Key: Drain Health - mouse over units that display health bars on them. Modify the values until you get the in-game value that suits you. Change the damage of weapons, the range, or the armor value, etc. Alt-tab back into the game (if necessary) and you will see that your item has been changed. At any rate, when completed, press F1 to save the values. Some values are multiples or affect the values in the game differently than others. You may have to alt-tab to Windows Desktop to see the window. A window will open up displaying this item's information (the information may not be identical to what is displayed in the game). Next hover your mouse over the item you wish to edit. Numpad /: Item Editor - Open your inventory and select a list of items that are either armor or weapons. This spell is active for about 8 seconds and will also remove good spells from you so use it wisely- Numpad 0: Unlimited Items - items on your action bar will be infinite. Numpad *: Remove Spells - press this key when you are being damaged buy poisons, etc. Numpad 9: Instant Cooldowns - items on your action bar during game play will instantly be ready to use again. Press this key and you will have more money. Numpad 8: Add Gold - enter the inventory at least once and then leave the inventory. Numpad 7: Talent/Spell Points - adds an Talent/Spell point to current character. Numpad 6: Skills Points - adds an Skill point to current character. Numpad 5: Attributes Points - adds an attribute point to current character.

Numpad 4: Add Experience - adds experience to current character. Numpad 3: Party Health - tries to keep all members of your party alive. Steam users will receive it through the Steam patch delivery service and other PC users can download and install the file from our Dragon Age: Origins patch page (which also includes our notes for the patch). After an extensive beta period, PC Patch 1.05 for Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Awakening, and the Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition is now live and official. Stuck in Dragon Age: Origins? Find the latest cheats, trainers, guides and walkthroughs to help you in your game. For Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition on the PC, GameFAQs has 146 cheat codes and secrets.