
Temple of elemental evil walkthrough
Temple of elemental evil walkthrough

Other products tied into the Elemental Evil storyline include the Temple of Elemental Evil Adventure System Board Game and pre-painted collectible miniatures, both from WizKids Games. In Honoring the Code: Conversations with Great Game Designers, 16 groundbreaking game developers share their stories and offer advice for anyone The Temple of Elemental Evil is a 2003 role-playing video game by Troika Games.It is a remake of the classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure of the same name using the 3.5 edition rules. I have tried to make it multiplayer friendly but it is mainly intended for single player play.

temple of elemental evil walkthrough

Paul had to butter him up about how great the Temple side did in that battle they lost ten years ago, and how awesome it is to be evil. About the Solution About the Maps About the Author Solution Updates Temple of Elemental Evil by Bobbin Threadbare. This will only work until you win the drinking contest, so make sure you get everything that you want.It was followed by the Rage of Demons storyline. Agree to a drinking contest, and after everyone has passed out you can safely walk up and take all the items that they own. Enter the inn at Hommlet after dark, and speak with Tuperello. This trick works best for a level 2 or higher character.

temple of elemental evil walkthrough

Take the stack and your NPCs will not lay claim to any of the monsters' dropped items. Head back to the site of the battle and you'll find the monsters' booty in an "item stack" (with no bodies). Instead mark the spot on a map (or remember where the battle was) and head for town to rest for a few days. After the battle, do not investigate the bodies. You can also claim more than your fair share of loot from defeated monsters. Do so, but leave one coin on each NPC or you may experience some difficulties. You can easily exploit your NPCs by pooling (taking) all their gold. This works especially well when you hire any high level character. Continue to your heart's desire.Īlso, you can hire an NPC and simply kill it. When you try to disable the device and fail all of your characters get 252 experience points. In the first village, Homlet, you stumble upon the first chest into the druid's house. You can then sell your holy water as much as you want, and it is free to create more.

temple of elemental evil walkthrough

Rest, and then cast your bless water as many times as possible. Find somewhere you can rest for free, and set all of your cleric's first level spells to "Bless Water".

Temple of elemental evil walkthrough